How do you get the most from your day?

What do you do when you wake up? Do you lie in bed till you figure out what you want to do first or you just try to do everything at the same time without having a plan?

Or, are you the type that has had everything figured out and accomplishes task after task?

Whichever category you fall under, life can be easier with good habits and routines for your day. Not only because it helps you be more organized, but because it helps you live a healthy, happier life.


Most people have to-do lists for the things they want to achieve.

These can relate to both short and long-term goals as well as your daily tasks. Don’t forget your GYLIO stuff too!

I find that by keeping these items front and center you accomplish more. Take a look at your to-do list for tomorrow the night before – not to stress yourself out but to get your brain working on it overnight – our subconscious mind is amazing!

Regular daily tasks can set you up for a more productive start allowing you to wake up and start with good intentions.

Your long-term list helps you to recognize and clarify goals you want to achieve over a longer timeframe and can aid your self-growth and improvement. This list too should be somewhere that you see it often, not gathering dust in a drawer.

You may find it useful to create a stop doing list too – this can include self-sabotaging habits that we develop sometimes unconsciously as a response to stress or discomfort in our lives.


Have a healthy routine of thing you do to better you life, physically and mentally.

An example of a Morning Routine could be –

6 a.m. – Wake and exercise or meditate – or both!
7 a.m. – Breakfast, journal, get ready for work
8 a.m. – Start work – you get the idea!

Only you can know what you really want to achieve in the mornings and how to set yourself up for success. Don’t create a detailed routine that you won’t be able to accomplish – this is demotivating when it doesn’t happen! Instead just add a couple of simple but high-value activities that will make all the difference – 10 mins of educational reading, a 5-minute meditation, your own stretching workout that helps your body – it’s your time and your choice.

Having a routine gives you a feeling of structure and success that sets the scene for a great day ahead!

By the same token an evening routine can be extremely beneficial – things like – stopping using devices at a certain time before you retire, making preparations for the next day, taking time to do something you enjoy for relaxation before going to sleep and so on.

Routine doesn’t have to be constrictive – in fact you may find that these small changes really free up your time as they make you more effective in your daily life.


It’s always good to have a positive mindset. Try setting a lower bar for happiness. By that I mean – look for the small joys that are around us every day – don’t just acknowledge the big wins which are far more infrequent. And – celebrate! The small wins, the big wins – do your happy dance, have your celebratory lunch, take that day off occasionally – create the joy.

It may help to keep a gratitude journal, read motivational posts, and visit blogs that help keep you positive.
Always be ready for life’s adventures and expect anything (including miracles!)


Modern life is busy and can be overwhelming at times. See if you can slow down, and maintain your priorities rather than getting swept up in other people’s expectations. Try to go with the flow, and avoid rushing.

We all know that multitasking doesn’t work and you can’t figure everything out at once… Some things tend to unfold naturally as you go about your day.

It’s well documented that creative processes require time and space to flourish.


Healthy body, healthy mind. Be mindful of how you’re eating – especially if you are combining eating with work rather than eating on its own. Making yourself a healthier lunch may be one of the things you add to your new evening routine!


Simply put – exercise is important. Do something you enjoy to make it easier for you to keep going day to day and making exercise regular.

Exercise with friends as a double whammy – getting your social engagement in at the same time. Team sports can help your mental health and keep you motivated.

If you want to live a happier and healthier, you should follow the list above and your better life is guaranteed.


Life is busy and can be stressful. Set yourself up for success by creating morning and evening routines and adding good habits to your day. It’s not easy but the rewards are boundless!


Working Smarter by Planning Ahead
GYLIO Get Your Life In Order
Creating True Work-Life Balance
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