by Rachel Dool | Mar 23, 2020 | Digital Marketing, Lean Business and Systemisation, Small Business, Virtual Business
The precautions taken by many employers with the arrival of coronavirus may mean you may find yourself suddenly working from home, some for the first time. Although at least at first, this may seem like a dream come true many are struggling with work-life balance...
by Rachel Dool | Aug 14, 2019 | Lean Business and Systemisation, Small Business, Virtual Business
Time is precious, Time is money – the cliche list goes on! And while these may be true – what can we, small business owners do, in a practical sense, to improve the use of our time and get the most from our efforts. This article will discuss ways that...
by Rachel Dool | May 3, 2019 | Lean Business and Systemisation, Small Business
Following up on our last blog – System is not a 4 Letter Word We’re now exploring how to move strategy to actually planning the design of your system. 1. Plan your Systems Project Start by answering these questions What are my goals? (business and/or...
by Rachel Dool | Apr 17, 2019 | Lean Business and Systemisation, Small Business
You may feel that your business doesn’t require policies, processes and systems (after all, boring!!) but what is a system? And, how can these improve not only your business but your day to day life? System = A series of processes that are interdependent,...
by Rachel Dool | Apr 16, 2018 | Lean Business and Systemisation, Small Business
Living an organised life and being efficient with our time doesn’t come naturally to all of us. Some of us can spend several “busy hours” daily and still not make a dent in our to-do list. You may feel as though there aren’t enough hours in the...
by Rachel Dool | Apr 3, 2018 | Content Marketing, Lean Business and Systemisation
Modern day businesses, especially small and micro businesses struggle to grow mainly due to the fact that as an entrepreneur you try to do every job in your business. This “Superhero Syndrome” will eventually lead your business in a downward spiral. A...