by Rachel Dool | Jan 5, 2022 | Lean Business and Systemisation, Small Business, Virtual Business
Are you thinking about hiring a VA or building a Virtual Team but you’re not sure where and how to start? Listen on Spotify In this episode, Rachel Dool, Founder of Just In Time Virtual Assistants, talks about the things we need to know before hiring a VA, the pros...
by Rachel Dool | Sep 21, 2021 | Lean Business and Systemisation, Small Business, Virtual Business
Minimalism is a lifestyle characterized by the pursuit of simplicity and freedom from possessions and consumerism. Business minimalism is not a choice. It is imperative. Simplifying and streamlining all aspects of your business and practicing minimalism will...
by Rachel Dool | Jun 23, 2021 | Lean Business and Systemisation, Small Business
Continuous Improvement as the term implies creates a business mindset focused on doing more of what works and less of what doesn’t. This may relate to making the process of the business easier, or making service better for your customers. “The typical approach...
by Rachel Dool | Jun 1, 2021 | Lean Business and Systemisation, Small Business
Our minds can imagine the wildest dreams, which may or may not be achievable, but it’s no news that we all dream big. Dreaming may be the start of the journey, but to take an idea or goal into reality we have to do the work of breaking our goal or dream down into...
by Rachel Dool | Apr 13, 2021 | Lean Business and Systemisation, Small Business
How do you get the most from your day? What do you do when you wake up? Do you lie in bed till you figure out what you want to do first or you just try to do everything at the same time without having a plan? Or, are you the type that has had everything figured out...
by Rachel Dool | Mar 23, 2021 | Lean Business and Systemisation, Small Business, Virtual Business
Not everyone is gifted enough to balance being both Clark Kent and Superman. It’s a tough job! One of the hardest things many of us try is to balance work and life but this doesn’t mean you can’t master it. One important thing is setting your priorities which can make...