Following up on our last blog – Top FREE Tools for your Social Media, Website and Blog. Here’s part 2. This time we’ll be looking at free (and low cost) tools for your Website, to get you Organised, Storage and Security options and more….

Let me know if I left any out!

Tools for your Website

Your website is still your calling card, private internet real-estate and often your first impression – so make it count! Keep it up to date, user-friendly and representative of your business.

Free Images

Down the rabbit hole you go! If you’re anything like me you can spend hours looking at free image sites and there are some gorgeous ones. Here are some that I’ve used or heard of but there are more…beware!

Google Analytics

Check, monitor and improve your traffic by analysing your statistics – Google Analytics is a one-stop shop for checking your website traffic.Google have excellent trianing and help tools – if you need to begin – start HERE.

Here are some of the things you can learn with Analytics.


Do you love to be on top? Well to see how you rank website wise – SEMrush allows you to analyze your domain name and check on your competition. In their words you can –

  1. Analyze data on more than 130 million domains and >800 million keywords
  2. Uncover your competitors’ organic and paid search strategies
  3. Find the most profitable keywords for your website

Email Marketing / Newsletters

Newsletters are still super important in your marketing strategy – or should be. There are lots of options around to use but for a free option you can use Mailchimp for up to 2,000 subscribers, for nothing!

HTML help

If you struggle with coding and coding skills look no further than CoffeeCup – it’s an HTML editor that does the work for you. Try their free version here.

Online Calendar

Another great Google product is their online Calendar. The Google Calendar app allows users to create personal or public calendars with their Google account. Google accounts are free, and Google stores the calendars within its cloud computing system.

Organise Yourself!


I use and really like Trello.
Take the introductory tour to get an idea of how it works. Use it for free or premium plans are available.


In their words

Trello is a collaboration tool that organizes your projects into boards. In one glance, Trello tells you what’s being worked on, who’s working on what, and where something is in a process.

Imagine a white board, filled with lists of sticky notes, with each note as a task for you and your team. Now imagine that each of those sticky notes has photos, attachments …. and a place to comment and collaborate with your teammates… take that whiteboard anywhere you go on your smartphone, and can access it from any computer through the web.


Many people use Evernote daily and for everything – to take down ideas, save photos, content, text… it’s all possible.

It’s a great way to organize everything. Put simply it’s a system of taking, keeping and organizing notes. You can save files, images, tasks, share etc.Syncs across devices and free! Business paid option available.

Track it

Whether you need some time management help or you just want keep track of your hours, My Hours is the best tool out there. This is an online time-tracking tool to help you find out where all those hours in the day seem to go and figure out which tasks take up way too much time. It’s so awesome for productivity.


I know so many people who swear by Asana. Asana is the ultimate task management tool, allowing teams to share, plan, organize, and track the progress of tasks that each team member is working on. They have a mobile app and, yep – it’s free!

Boomerang for Gmail

Do you ever wish you could send yourself an email to remind yourself of something or to follow up on an email you’ve sent someone else? Yep – ME TOO!

Boomerang for Gmail does just that and much more.

Storage and Security


Store everything…. I use Dropbox to store photos, share files and more. It’s a great solution for cloud storage and allows access from anywhere including your phone.

Last Pass

Your second memory bank. No one likes to lose access by not remembering a  password. That’s where LastPass comes in. It keeps track of all your usernames and passwords. You only ever have to remember your master password and that’s it. A browser extension logs you in as you need to. Easy peasy.


Send big stuff. You can’t always send large files (big word documents, powerpoint presentations photos, videos, etc) over email. But WeTransfer makes it really easy to send files of all types.


Really just does it all. Google Docs is an umbrella tool. You can send surveys, polls, collect info, and more.

Read more here….


OneDrive is Microsoft’s service for hosting files in the “cloud”, it’s available for free to all the owners of a Microsoft account. OneDrive offers users a simple way to store, sync and share all kinds of files, with other people and devices on the Web.

Works brilliantly.

Other Stuff


Spell Check and much more. Great for Grammer-nit-pickers!


Cook up a recipe! IFTTT stands for IF This Then That. Basically it let’s you create recipes for simple tasks.
Example – If I add a new post to Facebook – Then tweet That out to Twitter.
It has lots of recipes you can choose from or you can create your own. is the perfect URL shortener, but the best part is that is also lets you easily track your url’s clicks. Why shorten a url? Well for one it can be hard for people to remember something very lengthy. OR you can use it when you have a character limit. Or when you just want to track people coming to your site or specific link. For example, you want to see the direct hits coming from a Social Media page.

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