…for Physios, Allied Health Professionals & more

Communication and engagement are key to keeping customers interested in your business and services. eNewsletters are an effective way to drive traffic to your website, inform your clients and identify their needs. Do you collect clients email addresses but not use them? If you answered yes – that needs to change and eNewsletters are a great way to start. Here are five reasons why eNewsletters work well for Physios & Allied Health Professionals & are so popular.

Guaranteed reach of eNewsletters

(comparatively) Status updates on Facebook or Twitter are bound to be missed sometimes due to their nature and the sheer volume of traffic. However, people tend to check their email a lot more carefully then they check the statuses of people they follow. If you send an interesting, eye catching newsletter linking back to your website and Social Media platforms just think of the additional traffic and buzz you could generate.

Customer retention

A regular eNewsletter is an ideal way to let clients know what’s happening in your business – it could be a new therapist, service or product. Equally you may just take the opportunity to remind them of what your business offers, your values and what sets you apart.

Cost effective

With eNewsletters there’s no cost for printing, paper, ink or postage. And for any costs you do generate the maths for return on investment is simple – how much does a returning client generate? What about a new client over their lifetime?And what if they refer their family and friends?

Targeting your audience

You can produce eNewsletters for special interest groups or specific events or services. You may take the opportunity of asking your clientèle to complete a short survey to further develop your target groups and services.

Exclusive offers

Keep your loyal clients loyal and rewarded by offering exclusive specials or access to information before it’s released publicly. Encourage them to share with friends and reward them if they do. eNewsletters open up so many opportunities to capitalise on and get your message heard. Why not start today?
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