by Rachel Dool | Aug 19, 2020 | Lean Business and Systemisation, Small Business, Virtual Business
Whether you want to write a scintillating biography, start a new diet, or, complete that dream course, these days it seems to be more difficult than ever to achieve our goals. It’s not that people have become lazier, rather that our access to so much information...
by Rachel Dool | Mar 23, 2020 | Digital Marketing, Lean Business and Systemisation, Small Business, Virtual Business
The precautions taken by many employers with the arrival of coronavirus may mean you may find yourself suddenly working from home, some for the first time. Although at least at first, this may seem like a dream come true many are struggling with work-life balance...
by Rachel Dool | Feb 18, 2020 | Blogging, Digital Marketing, Small Business, Virtual Business
With so many other demands on your time, why should blogging become one of your priorities? Let’s look at the tried and tested reasons why adding a blog to your website should be a part of your marketing strategy. Why Should you Blog? 1. SEO & Website Traffic All...
by Rachel Dool | Feb 11, 2020 | Content Marketing, SEO and Websites, Small Business, Virtual Business
Like most people these days I had a few careers before starting as a Virtual Assistant (you can read my story here). Like many of you after I had children and had some experience under my belt I was looking for something different. Something I had far more control...
by Rachel Dool | Aug 14, 2019 | Lean Business and Systemisation, Small Business, Virtual Business
Time is precious, Time is money – the cliche list goes on! And while these may be true – what can we, small business owners do, in a practical sense, to improve the use of our time and get the most from our efforts. This article will discuss ways that...
by Rachel Dool | Jun 12, 2019 | Content Marketing, Small Business, Virtual Business
Recently, I presented at the AAVIP 2019 Online Summit – Digital Marketing for the Future. The topic was “Keeping it Positive – Mental Health for Virtual Professionals” and although it was pitched at virtual professionals it’s important for all small...