With so many other demands on your time why should blogging become one of your priorities? Simply put blogging ticks a lot of boxes, here are just a few to consider.


A cornerstone of SEO is content, especially new and regularly revised content.

One avenue is to add to and update your existing pages, but a blog opens a different communication channel to discuss in detail topics of interest to your audience.

A blog can also function as a news or regular update section.

When you combine a blog with cross-links to Social Media and other platforms and optimise content it can really start to pay off in generating website traffic.

Content Marketing

A blog is an excellent way of implementing your Content Marketing Strategy. 

The goal of Content Marketing is providing your customers with valuable information or tools. It creates trust and confidence, raises brand awareness and builds authority. Sounds awesome right?! It is.

Communication and Connection

A blog can be many things – fact, opinion, information, education, humour and more. You can inject your personality and let your business identity shine through.

And – it’s not only one way. Opening up your comments opens conversation and debate. It allows you to ask and answer questions specific to your target market and your service offerings.

Create Identity and Opportunity

Writing in a style that reflects your business values, mission and the personalities of the people who work there is the aim. This sets the tone and expectation for people who then visit your physical business as well as your digital shopfront.

Over time, becoming known as an expert for a certain topic will result in people reaching out to you when searching for information in that area. This can result in new business (and personal) opportunities.

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