Thanks to so many modern email service providers, it’s easier than ever to send out emails to thousands of recipients. But just because you can set up an email campaign doesn’t mean you won’t make a mistake.

There are a number of common pitfalls that every email marketer is bound to fall into at one point or another.

Here are the top The 5 Most Common Email Marketing Mistakes made when sending group emails —

The 5 Most Common Email Marketing Mistakes

1. The Botched Subject Line

It all starts here. The key to the success of an email campaign resides in its subject. To get opens of your emails you need to convey the message that the content is interesting.

A subject that says “September Newsletter” is less likely to attract a lot less attention than “[News] The 7 ways to send effective emails”.

You may have all your content mapped out perfectly but the subject line content is your baby. If you’re writing great email content, ensure you put the same effort into writing a great subject line.

2. Ignoring Your Analytics

It’s one thing to see if an email is being opened, but it’s another to pay attention to how well emails are doing. What are your subscribers doing once they open your email? Are they clicking your links, or are they unsubscribing?

The good news is email happens to be one of the most trackable, testable marketing mediums ever created. If you don’t know whether your email marketing is profitable, it’s time to focus in on this and figure it out.

Most email software allows you to track multiple statistics with ease.

3. The Broken Links…

The goal of your email is to get people to click through to your website, so if your call to action link is broken it can cost you more than just a potential click-through. It might just cost you a subscriber. This nightmare can be easily prevented! Simply cross-check all your links with a fine-toothed comb before you hit that send button.

And while we are talking about cross-checks and reviews…it won’t harm to do the same for your spelling, syntax and messaging too. Nothing’s worse than sending out an email blast to thousands of people only to realize you put an extra ‘l’ in ‘sale’!!

Ignoring How it Looks on Mobile

According to a 2017 State of Email report, 54% of emails are opened on a mobile device. But, that’s not all.

More than 40% of mobile users check their email four or more times per day!

Whether you use mobile for reading emails or managing customer contacts, mobile is here to stay. If your email is not optimized for mobile devices, regardless of how relevant your message is, people will not be able to read it.

Keeping your messaging concise and to the point works better on the smaller screen, as does a shorter subject line. If you have a big email blast coming up (for that huge sale you’re about to have, for example), it’s best to do a few practice runs to make sure your content looks perfect on both desktop and mobile screens beforehand.

5. Not Sending Emails At All

This is the worst!

Despite the risks of making a mistake, it’s far better to pull a few gaffes than to send no emails at all. Even the best of us mess up sometimes. The secret to success is to keep trying to improve based on your results, despite any mistakes you may make.

To some, ‘email marketing’ is a scary term. But we’re here to tell you it isn’t anymore – we can help you to master this marketing tactic and come away with positive results. So what are you waiting for? Get started and see for yourself – something tells us you’ll be happy you did.

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