Missed Part 1? Here it is
Ok. You’ve got the basics – a name, a registration and a good idea of what you’re selling. What’s next you say? Glad you asked 🙂
Set up your Office
Even a virtual business needs a physical space to operate in! Today – many options exist for remote workers
- Home office
- Office space
- Co-working space, Collaborative work area, Local community hub etc
- Gypsy – you literally work anywhere – cafe, local library, beach etc!
Or, you may choose a combination of these. Whatever the case may be, you will need both physical and digital tools to work smoothly.
While the physical ones may seem obvious (computer, pen/paper – standard office supplies, computer software, etc) the digital tools can be harder to pin down. Avoid investing in software and systems you’re not sure you will use, these can always be purchased when the need arises.
(Digital) Tools of the Trade
Again, before you spend any money, look to the many (and I mean many) free tools on the market. Many apps and online platforms have a free starter level or free trial period so you can try before you buy. The free version may be all you ever need.
Some digital tools you’ll need and want
- Internet connection
- WEBSITE! – Your digital real estate (see link below)
- Communication methods – think phone, Zoom, Skype, Messenger, etc
- Information and File sharing – Dropbox, OneDrive, GoogleDrive
- Computer Security – Norton, TrendMicro etc – for your and your clients’ information protection
- Invoicing and payment – CRM, PayPal
- Project Management – Asana, Trello, BaseCamp
- Marketing – Social Media sites, Mail list/autoresponder e.g MailChimp, ConstantContact etc
Lot’s to consider. Here’s some extra information and help –
Develop a Marketing Plan
Ok – I can see you sweating! You’ve got this though.
At this early stage, your marketing plan is an outline of potential strategies to attract new clients and keep existing ones (if you have them).
Per channel – It may look something like this
- Claim and fully complete (Facebook) page
- Invite friends to join
- Post daily about things like – my services, my struggles, my LOL moments, things that inspire me – etc etc
- Start to join (Facebook) groups whose members represent my Target Market
- Research like-minded businesses – see what they are doing well and/or could improve – and apply learnings to my business
You get the picture…..
Again, evolution is not only likely – it’s inevitable so don’t get stuck on this point. Just start.
Consider how your product or service differs from what’s already available. This is also a good moment to start working on your Unique Value Proposition (UVP or USP) as this will impact on your marketing message and help you stick to a consistent voice moving forward.
Put it out there!
Time to “Go Live”, “Soft Launch”, “Jump out of the plane”… whatever you call it – it’s time to let the world know you’ve arrived.
So –
- Make some phone calls
- Update your LinkedIn profile
- Post it on your personal Socials
- Hit publish on your website
But – don’t go it alone – there’s so much support to take advantage of.
Good luck!