Certified Blog Assistant Services
The Role of a Blog Assistant
The role of a blog assistant is wide and varied.
A blog assistant can help promote your business using their expertise in managing and promoting a blog or blogsite (WordPress is an excellent example).
Your website is a powerful tool to share information, attract interest in and generate new leads to your business.
Things are constantly changing, including your business, and it’s easy to let your information get stale or go out of date.
Just In Time can help by keeping your information correct, up to date and fresh. Just how Google (and your clients) like it!

Leverage your website potential
To really leverage all you can from your blog you need to
1. Come up with content ideas – the best are either
- Topical OR
- Based on keyword research
2. Interpreting Analytics – how well did your post do? Was it as well as expected?
3. Dealing with any technical issues that may arise
4. Finding readers by driving traffic towards your blog or site
Management of a blog website
WordPress is perhaps the best example of such a site and the one I prefer to use. There’s a certain amount of day to day housekeeping that goes with having a blogsite.
WordPress offers a great range of PlugIns to improve the functionality of your site. The best ones are regularly updated to fix security issues and maintain compatibility with different WordPress versions. It’s a simple (yet, time-consuming) task to check for updates regularly. These updates, as well as those for your chosen theme, need to be done regularly – a task ideally suited to your blog assistant. Don’t forget to also delete unused, or inactive plugins. Not doing so could slow down your site.
Backing up your blog is another essential housekeeping task. Having spent time and energy on your blog protect it using a Premium PlugIn with automatic update options. Your blog assistant can configure it to either do regular full updates or database backups. BackUps are essential before installing new themes and PlugIns.
Content – How does a blog assistant help?
Whether you write your blog posts yourself or outsource the writing your blog assistant can do the following
1. Generate ideas for posts – this could simply be a list of topics or keywords (your assistant can research these for you too!). You may like to research your competitors also.
2. Keep a calendar – to help you plan future posts and keep content fresh and up to date. Keyword research can be translated into a list of future posts.
3. Format your posts, source images and optimize content for SEO
4. Reply to and mange replies to your posts – it’s considered best practice to do this. After all, your blog should be an opportunity for people to connect with you and what you’ve written – impossible without commenting and replying.
Promotion of the blog/website
Once your post is created and posted your blog assistant can re-post it to your Social Media sites – Facebook, Twitter, etc. Images may be added to Pinterest and the content could be re-purposed into slides for SlideShare or video for YouTube.
The opportunities are vast and could breathe life and interest into your blog for months!
Rachel Dool – Certified Blog Assistant