Triple S for Success
Our Premier plan for YOUR business success!! Systemise, Streamline and Simplify. Sign up Need Admin Support?Do you imagine a life where – you decide how you spend your time?
You have freedom in your daily schedule?
Your business is growing steadily and with structure?
We have developed Triple S to allow you to achieve all these things and more! Throughout the process we’ll consider how you can :

- Stop being busy doing the wrong things
- Stop doing too much
- Stop over-handling
- Start delegating
- Increase your productive hours
- Increased productivity during work time can leave you with true leisure time to recharge
Sound good?
Sign up today and experience it for yourself!
Definitions – what are we talking about?
Basically organising your business from grass roots – looking for opportunities to automate, to delegate, and to reduce waste.
System = “A set of things working together as parts of a mechanism or an interconnecting network: a complex whole” OR “A set of principles or procedures according to which something is done; an organized scheme or method”
Process = “A series of actions or steps taken in order to achieve a particular end.” These linked together make up systems…
Task = “A job or chore, often assigned”
Triple S is based on LEAN business principles and current best practice.
Learn more about LEAN

Why do the work?
Whether you’re starting a business or looking to improve what you are currently doing in your existing business Triple S will provide you with a framework to
- make decisions
- keep track of your progress with SMART measures
- move towards your desired goal
Which Systems to Organise?
Most service businesses have common systems which we can identify, break down and create efficiencies in.
These include things like
- communication
- lead generation
- scheduling and more
Overcoming Roadblocks
Not knowing these things stops people from putting Processes and Systems in place.
- how to go about it
- what will help most
- what systems my business should have
- how and what to delegate
- what to measure in the system i.e. the “checks and balances”
- how to go about identifying processes that aren’t working and then changing them
Decision Making
We’ll be asking (and answering) lots of questions throughout this process. Questions like
? Your goals for the system
? Your Identify desired gains for your business
? How to Implement
? What is required (process, roles and responsibilities)?
? “WWW – Who is doing What by When”
? Which measures will you use to determine it’s success?
? How will you Continue to Improve?
Specific | Measurable | Attainable | Relevant | Timely (time-bound)
Allow you to
- Stop investing time & effort if something isn’t working
- Increase investment of time & effort if something is working
- Choose what to focus when you have a lot of projects and limited time
- Decide to say “yes” to a great new opportunity